The Brain -- is wider than the Sky -- installation view 2009
The Brain -- is wider than the Sky -- installation view 2009
The Shield of Achilles (Night Sky over Troy) 2009 mixed media (cans, cables, LED lights) 48 inches height x 13.5 feet length x 13.5 feet width unique
The Shield of Achilles (Night Sky over Troy) 2009 mixed media (cans, cables, LED lights) 48 inches height x 13.5 feet length x 13.5 feet width unique
The Shield of Achilles (Night Sky over Troy) 2009 mixed media (cans, cables, LED lights) 48 inches height x 13.5 feet length x 13.5 feet width unique
The Shield of Achilles (Night Sky over Troy) 2009 mixed media (cans, cables, LED lights) 48 inches height x 13.5 feet length x 13.5 feet width unique
The Shield of Achilles (Night Sky over Troy), 2009 mixed media (cans, cables, LED lights) 48 inches height x 13.5 feet length x 13.5 feet width unique
The Shield of Achilles (Night Sky over Troy) 2009 mixed media (cans, cables, LED lights) 48 inches height x 13.5 feet length x 13.5 feet width unique
2,562,451.2 Km (4/13/08, 4pm, 4/14/08, 4pm) 2008 archival inkjet photographs 11 x 11 inches (19.6 x 19.8 inches frame) edition of 3
Shadow of a Shadow (skull) 2009 watercolor on paper 225 x 30 inches (25 x 33 inches framed) unique
366 (Emily Dickinson's Miraculous Year) 2009 366 wax candles 20.5 feet diameter unique
366 (Emily Dickinson's Miraculous Year) 2009 366 wax candles 20.5 feet diameter unique
366 (Emily Dickinson's Miraculous Year) 2009 366 wax candles 20.5 feet diameter unique
366 (Emily Dickinson's Miraculous Year) 2009 366 wax candles 20.5 feet diameter unique
Paper Moon (Studio Wall at Night) 2009 mixed media dimensions variable unique
Paper Moon (Studio Wall at Night) 2009 mixed media dimensions variable unique